Comments on 2/10/2024

On Saturday 2/10/2024 users have commented on 2 telephone numbers and wrote the 2 comments.In the following list to see a list of recent comments of users.For each phone number is a link to details, where you can view additional comments.In detail the numbers, you can also add your own comment, and by others.

Phone number The number of search Comment Detail
6045990502 882x

A Federal complaint was filled # 101626 including 11 police incidents, video evidence, statements by Parents & community members vs. - DAVID FOULDS a former president of Sunshine housing cooperative/Whalley Little League. - SGT. RAYMOND STANDFORD of Surrey RCMP detachment. - Sunshine board of directors including MARY LOU WOLDU a secretary & CBSA employee. The case is under review.Imformation available under freedom of Information act.
SMS Useful
6045852244 609x

A Federal complaint was filled # 101626 including 11 police incidents, video evidence, statements by Parents & community members vs. - DAVID FOULDS a former president of Sunshine housing cooperative/Whalley Little League. - SGT. RAYMOND STANDFORD of Surrey RCMP detachment. - Sunshine board of directors including Mary Lou Woldu a secretary & CBSA employee. The case is under review.Imformation available under freedom of Information act.
Safe number Safe