On Tuesday 12/19/2017 users have commented on 2 telephone numbers and wrote the 2 comments.In the following list to see a list of recent comments of users.The phone number you find in the list, and you can look at details, where you can find other comments to the number.In detail the numbers, you can also add your own comment, and by others.
Phone number | The number of search | Comment | Detail |
231-331-3912 | 1x |
They said something about arrest...
Comments |
647-618-0146 | 6x |
J'ai reçu le SMS/TEXTO suivant de 1-647-618-0146:
«Services DESJARDINS. Vos services ont été suspendus. Agissez au plus tot, Visitez le : acces.desjardins-mobile.com/. Ne cliquez pas sur le lien pour ne pas donner vos renseignements personnels et risquer d'être victime d'un vol d'identité ou de vos fonds bancaires.
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